Euriginals is a small company based in the heart of the Netherlands. It is dedicated to supplying great quality parts for classic cars at a reasonable price. With an addiction to detail I strive to uphold my customer satisfaction. If possible parts are replicated together with their original box and instruction. Original materials are used, but improvements will be made if the original design will allow it.
My customers live around the globe and can be found in many places from Japan to South America.
The product range is slowly expanding and if you are looking for a specific item I will gladly try to find it for you or look into the possibilities to recreate it. Any questions or advice is always welcomed.
I started Euriginals in 2008 by bringing back the very sought after Cibie Hood lights. Growing up in Zandvoort I spend countless hours playing hockey on the fields inside the racetrack. Which is why my interest lays with both Porsche and Alfa Romeo of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s.
René Kemmer
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Disclaimer: Euriginals is not affiliated with Porsche AG. All possibly visual trademarks and or symbols are owned exclusively by Porsche®. Furthermore any other manufacturers names, logos, or marks are owned by there respective brands and are only used to identify these products, In no way does the use of a registered tradename indicate any affililation or sponsership by that brand.